Friday, August 9, 2019

Arts & Creativity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Arts & Creativity - Essay Example Painting is a one-time performance, any repeat performances are just copies. More often than not, it is an individual effort, and in rare cases a group effort that carries out a single person's instructions. There is no written way to express a painting like there are notes to a music or playwriting for a theater. Paintings do come from different from schools and movements, the proponents of which follow similar techniques of expression. The techniques of expression include the use of light, color and imagery. They also include the use of various mediums from water soluble to oil, to acrylic and a host of others as well as methods of wielding instruments like brushes, knives, fingers and many more. On the other hand the techniques that express music lie in the lyrics, the symphony, rhythm and the instruments or voices used to produce them. Lyrics are a straightforward way of conveying the concept, but even without them, music achieves universal communication, and conveys emotions irrespective of linguistic and cultural barriers. It claims the auditory senses, and from there goes on to move, inspire and titillate. It can be written down in notations, and performed repeatedly, even in different versions by different people at separate instances but still retains its originality. Theater as an art form is able to convey its message through dialog and plot as the primary instrument.

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