Monday, August 12, 2019

Minutes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Minutes - Essay Example MYH suggested that people tend to prefer stability to change and would accept even the minimum conditions provided change does not occur. The group concurred with this view. Ineffective communication hinders change efforts. The leader needs to articulate goals clearly and give frequent feedback on the change process. Moreover, the group agreed that leaders need to communicate the reasons for change and how it will affect those involved. This eliminates fear, uncertainty and doubt about the change. Another barrier is unclear processes and procedures. HX observed that if carried out in a haphazard way, change could fail. It makes people to lose direction of where they are going and what is expected of them and consequently lack of commitment and resistance. Lastly, the group cited not paying attention to people issues as significant to success of change management. Leaders need to pay attention to psychological processes that people experiences in dealing with change hence help them to overcome. The group also discussed how the leaders might provide psychological safety to individuals in times of change. It was agreed that leaders need to create an environment of accepting failures. Employees need to feel that they can air their views and give input regarding the change without fear of reprisal. Leaders also need to be transparent hence encourage participation, share their mistakes and inspire trust. This in turn helps employees to feel secure and learn more leading to positive change. The group discussed how the understanding of how people react to change and conflict helps leaders to manage change in a productive way. ZYK noted that finding one method of solving all problems of resistance to change is difficult. Understanding resistance to change and conflict enables organisations to develop the right policies and procedures, and appropriate training for managers and employees in order to manage change in a productive way. Education and

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